ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 40 Pintail Trail Southern Shores, NC 27949 Live Stream Our Sunday Service Here
Adult Education & Spirituality
Committee Members: Wayne Barry, Dick Calhoun, Ignacio Gotz, Steve Hotchkiss, Roisin McKeithan, Eve Turek, and Kaye White. The committee sponsors a variety of adult religious growth opportunities.
The ministry of the Adult Education and Spirituality Committee (AESC) is to assist pastoral leadership in meeting the individual, small group, and community education and spirituality needs to the best of its ability. By conducting occasional surveys, and keeping in close contact with parishioners, vestry and other committee members, the AESC will meet those needs through on-line and in-person experiences.
Tuesday Morning Small Groups
Men’s and Women’s Groups meet separately for discussion about spirituality at work in our lives.
Religious Instruction
Classes are offered periodically for those who wish to learn more about the Episcopal faith (“Inquirers”), for both current church members and prospective members. Classes are also offered for those who wish to make a public commitment to their religion through the sacrament of Confirmation. Those interested in either class may contact the Rector.
After Dark at All Saints'
After Dark at All Saints' is an annual program of evening classes taught by members of the church and friends in our community. The classes are open to the public and the goal of the program is to give back to our community. All the net proceeds are donated to service organizations that help our community. The After Dark @ All Saints' program has distributed over $115,812 in 9 years! Thanks to our instructors, volunteers and attendees for making this program so successful.
All Saints' Church Endowment Fund
The committee meets as necessary or when called by the chair. The mission of the committee is to bring awareness of the opportunity to the members of All Saints’ Episcopal Church to establish planned gifts/estate gifts to create an endowment for the long term sustainability of the church. Committee members will periodically remind parishioners of the opportunities that are available to make a long term gift to All Saints. Several members have already indicated that they have remembered the church in their wills. The church is most grateful to these thoughtful families.
Donors benefit from planned giving by becoming eligible for tax and estate planning advantages. Donors also benefit from knowing that their gift will ensure the church for the future.
Building/Facility Planning
Building/Facility Planning Committee
The committee plans and oversees additions to our current facility, including obtaining necessary funding.
Buildings and Grounds
The Junior Warden normally is the Vestry’s liaison for Buildings and Grounds function, but committee leadership may be assigned to another church member.
Building Committee
The committee is responsible to the Junior Warden or to the Vestry to identify building maintenance requirements and to arrange for repairs.
Grounds Committee
The committee establishes and maintains the Church landscape, oversees the lawn mowing, supervises the implementation of the long-term landscape plan, and schedules periodic work days utilizing additional volunteers for specific landscaping projects.
Christian Education
Kids Church
Kids Church serves ages pre-school through 4th grade children at the 10:30 AM service every Sunday morning (except June through August) and are taught by Suzy Rich and Ann McDowell in the Education Building. The teachers help each child understand the Christian concept of Jesus and God. They use an Episcopal curriculum and include appropriate images, stories and music to integrate the Bible, worship and life experience.
The Nursery, provided for children 3 and under, is staffed by a coordinator and a volunteer and is located in the Education Building. Nursery service is provided during the 10:30 AM church service. The Nursery rooms are a cheerful setting full of fun toys for the toddlers and a room where babies can rest peacefully. Volunteers are always welcomed for this important ministry.
Finance Committee
Committee Members: Tess Judge, Jenn Adams-Falconer, Mary Lou Beckett, Carol Cowell, Evelyne Ottavio, Paula Myatt, Bob Riche, and Nancy Atkinson
The Finance Committee’s mission is to oversee the financial operations of the parish; review monthly Treasurer’s reports; make recommendations to the Vestry and Rector concerning financial matters and compile the annual budget.
Gifts and Memorials
Mission – This committee is a conduit for all gifts which will be readily used by the All Saints Family.
The committee will determine the following for each gift
A) Description and Value.
B) Where and how the gift will be used by All Saints.
C) Will there be any ongoing expenses to maintain the integrity of the gift.
D) Will gift have any memorial or recognition.
E) Donor’s name or do they want to remain anonymous.
If the value of gift (estate, stocks, bonds, and real estate as an example) appear to be more appropriate for our endowment, this committee will meet with our endowment committee to determine the greatest long term benefit.
Examples of recent gifts are: playground equipment, grill, picnic tables, as well as a new candelabra.
Holly Days
Each year on the weekend before Thanksgiving, All Saints’ presents a beautiful Christmas bazaar inside the church buildings. Arts, crafts, jewelry, and food are showcased by local and non-local vendors. Holly Days is a favorite event in the community and is brought to life entirely by volunteers from the church.
Hospitality Committee
Committee Members: Sally and Jack Myers
The Hospitality Committee’s mission is to plan and coordinate activities to bring parishioners together.
Hospitality is present when something happens for you. Committee members come to know the people at All Saints' and hold high the Golden Rule to “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Incorporation Committee
This group meets formally and informally as needed to develop and champion ideas, strategies, and activities to meet specific goals set forth by the Vestry to (1) significantly improve the incorporation of existing church members and (2) use intentional hospitality to purposefully incorporate new members. That’s a fancy way of saying we want EVERYONE who comes to All Saints' to feel welcome, comfortable, valued, and connected. We also want to facilitate opportunities for each person to use his/her specific gifts in ministry at All Saints, for the common good of our community and the personal joy of the giver.
In addition to greeting people at services and following up with newcomers, we support and facilitate various group activities, such as book club, women’s discussion, movie and cultural outings, and crafters gatherings. We work jointly with other committees such as Hospitality to organize dinners and programs with fun activities to help us all feel stronger bonds with others in our All Saints' family.
While we are a designated committee, “incorporation” by definition requires the participation of EVERYONE to truly realize our church family’s goals. Please reach out to your neighbors at church. Share ideas and experiences that might contribute to these goals. Join a group or activity that appeals to you – or help start a new one! Finally, make known what YOU need in the give and take of our All Saints' family life.
Parish Life
The committee’s mission is to encourage a warm and welcoming environment in order to broaden the ministry of All Saints’ Episcopal Church. The committee specifically is charged to welcome visitors by delivering informational material as well as signs of welcoming – a loaf of bread, and a mug. Committee members bake the bread as well as deliver it, and host fellowship events such as the newcomers’ informational hour, Lenten soup and salad dinners, monthly prayer breakfasts, and special events. They also provide name tags, pew cards, and pamphlets. The committee meets monthly.
Pastoral Care
The committee’s mission is to be there “when things fall apart”, that is, to provide for your earthly and spiritual needs, especially if you are sick, home-bound, hospitalized, or in need of some support. The committee has a number of ways to address your needs.
Prayer Chain
Committee Members: Ann Laughner, Sara Munford, Sandy Briggman, and Eve Turek
The Prayer Chain is open to all in times of need or thanksgiving. It consists of a group of parishioners who, when called upon, will pray for your specific request, whether it is for you, another person, special needs or situations. Please email Ann Laughner or call the Church Office at (252) 261-6674.
Prayers of the People
As a congregation, we pray for those names placed on the Prayers of the People list. To be placed on list, please call our Parish Administrator, at (252) 261-6674 or email Roisin McKeithan at If you prefer to speak directly with a member of the clergy, please call the Church Office.
Please put both the names of those needing prayer, and who is requesting it, if different.
Healing Teams
Healing/Prayer teams are available during Communion on Sundays. The Healing/Prayer team members on that day will pray with you, or will pray for any prayer requests submitted by written request. These requests and prayers are completely CONFIDENTIAL, between you and team.
If desired or appropriate, these prayer requests could be shared with the the priest/rector. The Healing team is made up of parishioners who feel called to this ministry. We meet on the 2nd Saturday morning of each month (except in summer) and are always eager for new members.
Prayer Shawl Ministry and Other Activities and Projects
Committee Member: Ann Laughner
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets weekly for the purpose of creating shawls for those who are in need of comfort or healing for any reason. The group knits the shawls with mindfulness and prayerfulness for the needs of others. Shawls are then blessed and distributed. The Prayer Shawl Ministry also supports functions year round at All Saints. These activities include creating crafts for Holly Days, making Easter eggs for Easter, knitting and crocheting hats, gloves and scarves for our homeless guests.
Home Eucharist
Home Eucharist is available to parishioners who are unable to make it to church services due to surgery, illness, etc. A Lay Eucharistic Minister will conduct a short service in your home and provide communion.
Meals Ministry
Committee Member: Jenn Adams-Falconer
A meal or meals can be provided to members in times of need. This can be during an illness, following surgery, during a family emergency, after a child is born, or under other circumstances. A group of parishioners meets periodically to prepare soups and casseroles for this ministry.
Cards and Notes
Committee Member: Hilary Klein
A card or note is sent to any All Saints’ parishioners in need. Each note is individually written for a personal touch.
Committee Member: Tim McKeithan
Transportation for medical appointments
Servant Ministry
The Servant Ministry’s mission is to be attentive to the needs of the Outer Banks Community and the larger community: to communicate those needs to the congregation: and to provide, to the best of our ability, the volunteer and financial resources needed to meet those needs.
Past achievements and activities include: coordinating providing volunteers for Food For Thought, The Beach Food Pantry, Community Care Clinic of Dare, Ruthie’s Kitchen, Episcopal Farm Workers Ministry in Newton Grove, Father’s Tabernacle children’s Christmas shopping, Room In The Inn, Angel Giving, and the Harmony Café Program lunch.
Monthly Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of the Month, 2:30 PM
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee meets between church services as needed starting the month before Kickoff Stewardship Breakfast Sunday until the Stewardship Campaign is completed. Our mission is to plan and conduct the annual Fall Stewardship Campaign. Pledging one’s financial commitment allows the Finance Committee and Vestry to budget church operations, and plan the programs and outreach we can support in the upcoming year.
Invite/Welcome/Connect Committee
Committee Members: Tim McKeithan, Blair Engelken, and Mary Moynahan
The Welcoming Committee’s mission is to promote a spirit of rich fellowship at All Saints where each person feels a sense of belonging and connectedness, is empowered to contribute to our common life according to her/his interests and talents, and benefits in turn from others doing the same. We aim to INVITE new people into our midst, warmly WELCOME them, and help them CONNECT to fellow members and ministries.
Worship Committee
The committee consists of the Rector, associated clergy, the organist, representatives of the Sunday school, the Altar Guild, the Flower Guild, and any other interested persons. The committee discusses general worship needs and plans services and special events for specific occasions, such as a visit from the Bishop, church picnics, or kick-off Sunday for the Christian education program. This committee meets monthly.