ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 40 Pintail Trail Southern Shores, NC 27949 Live Stream Our Sunday Service Here
Outreach and Servant Ministry
Servant Ministry
The Servant Ministry’s mission is to be attentive to the needs of the Outer Banks Community and the larger community: to communicate those needs to the congregation: and to provide, to the best of our ability, the volunteer and financial resources needed to meet those needs.
Past achievements and activities include: coordinating providing volunteers for Food For Thought, The Beach Food Pantry, Community Care Clinic of Dare, Ruthie’s Kitchen, Episcopal Farm Workers Ministry in Newton Grove, Father’s Tabernacle children’s Christmas shopping, Room In The Inn, Angel Giving, and the Harmony Café Program lunch.
Monthly Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of the Month, 2:30 PM
Provides programs and information for adults with memory disabilities.
Interfaith Community Outreach
ICO, supported by local churches, provides gap services for the working poor.
Food For Thought
Provides weekend meals for needy elementary school children.
Beach Food Pantry
Provides food and personal/household supplies for the needy.
Community Care Clinic
Provides medical services for the underinsured.
Provides information, referrals, crisis intervention, temporary shelter, prevention education services, and advocacy for battered or abused women.
Peak Resources
Outer Banks nursing home.
The committee also promotes and supports other organizations and ministries such as Heifer International, Church World Service Tools of Hope & Blanket Program, Thompson’s Child & Family Focus, Food Bank of the Albemarle, Episcopal Relief and Development, and other Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina ministries.
The committee meets monthly. Anyone interested in All Saints Servant Ministry is welcomed to attend our Servant Ministry meetings.
Room In The Inn
Twice a year the All Saints family bands together to open its doors for a week’s food and lodging to our Room In The Inn guests. All Saints is well known for the hospitality and wonderful meals it provides for its guests.
A large number of All Saints parishioners are required to provide dinner and breakfast in the Gathering Space and a hearty bag lunch for our guests when they depart in the morning. Additionally, two parishioners stay overnight in the Gathering Space while our guests are staying with us. Daily, the Room In The Inn Committee transports our guests to and from All Saints from the intake center at Roanoke Island Presbyterian Church.
The Room In The Inn program provides approximately 13 weeks of hospitality to local men and women during the coldest time of the year.
For seven years, All Saints has included this wonderful program, which provides food and shelter for those in need, as a recipient of After Dark at All Saints contributions.